Simplify Your Family's Emergency Preparedness

Personalized Preparedness Membership Sale ends 10/8!

There are SO MANY DANG TOPICS to worry about!

Feeling overwhelmed?

I get it.  I did too.

Until I figured out how to break it down and customize a preparedness plan that worked for me.

What if it was possible to personalize your preparedness to your unique family and situation, without having to commit a bunch of money to a bunch of different courses?

What if you could...

Get help determining where you should start and what you should focus on, based on your INDIVIDUAL circumstances?

Have someone hold your hand through each and every step of PERSONALIZING your preparedness?

Have ONE place where you could easily choose from a list of topics, and focus on the one(s) that you felt the greatest urgency to tackle?

Personalize Your Preparedness With ONE Simple Subscription

What's Included:

Quick & Easy Preparedness

72-Hour Kit Course

52 Weeks of Growing Your Food Storage

mockup of what's included in the personalized preparedness membership.

Monthly Workshops
(live & recorded)

MOnthly Live Q&A (recording available)

Work on what you want, when you want!

tablet mockup of personalized preparedness membership menu.
Melanie Papworth wearing orange shirt smiling at camera

hey there,

I'm Melanie.

I’m a mom of 4 and stepmom of 3.  Our life is CRAZY BUSY – just ask our neighbors. 🙈  I know how hard it can be to keep up with the daily demands of having a large family.  


In fact, that’s one reason I am so passionate about helping you personalize your preparedness!  As moms, we don’t have time to waste on preparedness efforts that aren’t going to really matter. We need to identify the most important things and focus on those.


And we also don’t have time to diddle daddle through courses with a bunch of fluff. We need the meat – no fluff, AMIRIGHT?


We all have our own individual circumstances to consider as we embark on getting our homes and families more prepared. What makes sense for one of us to prioritize, doesn’t make any sense at all for someone else to prioritize. 


Emergency Preparedness is not a one-size-fits-all, and THAT is why I built this membership.

Finally, there’s a way for YOU to get the help YOU need on the topic YOU want to work on, but without spending your entire budget on an individual course for it.

Now you have the freedom to hop around within topics, getting the info you need, at a fraction of the cost of just one course.

When you join the membership, you'LL have access to:

Monthly Workshops

Monthly Workshops

Live workshops with Melanie
  • Different topic every month
  • You can attend live or catch the recording later
  • Transcription available with replay
  • Members will vote on the topic of the next month’s workshop

Live Q&As

Monthly live Q&A with Melanie
  • Submit questions ahead of time or ask them live
  • You can attend live or catch the recording later
  • Transcription available with replay

Quick & Easy Preparedness

Twenty 15-minute high-impact activities for families
  • Utility Shut Offs (acquire & learn how to use a shut off tool)
  • Power Outages (sources of light, alternate cooking methods, salvaging perishable food, etc.)
  • House Fires (fire extinguishers, fire blankets, escape ladders, smoke alarms, etc.)
  • Family Emergency Plan
  • CPR
  • Quarantine
  • Evacuation
  • Earthquakes

72-Hour Kits

Not your normal checklist - this is about PERSONALIZING your kits
  • What should you pack in?
  • Where will you keep your kits?
  • How will you stay organized?
  • How will you remember what you skipped and planned on adding later?
  • What prescriptions and medical devices do your family members need?
  • What is your food and water plan?
  • This is SO MUCH MORE than a generic checklist!

52 Weeks of Growing Your Food Storage

The best way to get started on your food storage? JUST START!
  • Slow and steady growth of both your short and long term food storage
  • Weekly video (and transcript) with the exact items to add to your grocery cart that week
  • Suggested substitution items
  • Takes the thinking out of it for ya!

Grab List

If you had 15 minutes to evacuate, what would you take?
  • Organize your list logically (by room, or by order of packing your car)
  • Involve family members
  • Prepare bags to carry all items on list
  • Label all bags with list of contents to simplify the evacuation process

Fireproof Box

Protect all important documents and small items
  • Pros and cons to different fireproof boxes
  • List of documents to protect
  • Ideas to keep it all organized

First Aid Kits

Not the pre-done kind ... the PERSONALIZED KIND!
  • Consider the ages and medical conditions of your family members (diabetics, etc.)
  • Plan for back stock of items 
  • Include creative alternatives to bandages (co-band/gauze, pads/tampons, etc.)
  • Personalize it! How about lollipops for the injured?

Pet Preparedness

It's so much more than throwing your pet in the car!
  • 72-hour kit 
  • Identification stickers on home for first responders
  • Evacuation plan
  • Pet-friendly evacuation destination
  • Important documents and information (vaccination records,  vet info, etc.)

Family Emergency Plan

All the phone numbers, locations, and plans for when communication is interrupted
  • Contact Information for Emergency Services
  • Contact Information for Close Family Members/Friends
  • Designated Out-of-State Contact 
  • Safe Places (neighborhood, city, out-of-state)
  • Ensuring all family members understand the reason for this and the plan, in case of communication failure

Ask a Firefighter

Q & A with a firefighter
  •  Unique perspective of a firefighter of over 20 years, who is also a father
  • 3 hours of content broken up by topic/question
  • Easily bingeable
  •  Great discussions on  a variety of topics (technical things like what the #s mean on a fire extinguisher, to emotional things like salvaging your belongings in the aftermath of a fire, and everything in between!)

And more!

More topics will be added over time

Are you ready to do preparedness the right way? The personalized way?

Choose the option that fits you best!

Option 1

This one's for you if:
You just want to dip your toes into a different topic every month for the best price in town!

$19 in the shop


(that's one drink from Starbucks a month!)
with code: LAUNCHWEEK

Sale ends 2/27 at midnight Pacific Time!

Option 2:

This one's for you if:
You don't care about the workshops and you don't need all the different topics in the membership



(that's cheaper than Netflix!)
with code: LAUNCHWEEK

Sale ends 2/27 at midnight Pacific Time!


Option 3:

This one's for you if:
You want it all! This includes the monthly workshops plus access to ALL the topics/courses, AND a live Q&A
Access to ALL the Courses
BONUS Program Access:
Access to ALL the Niche Topics:
Access to Workshops:
Access to Live Q & As:



with code: LAUNCHWEEK

Sale ends 2/27 at midnight Pacific Time!

Not into any of those?

Option 4:

This one's for you if:
You don't want a course. You don't want workshops.
You just want to talk face-to-face with someone to walk you through your preparedness.
2 hours of coaching, your time, your way
Marco Polo App
Zoom/Google Meet
Phone Call



Sale ends 9/19 at midnight Pacific Time!


Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a minimum amount of months I have to subscribe for?

Nope! You can cancel any time! But keep in mind, when you decide to come back, you will pay the current price of the membership at that time. So if you want to keep your original pricing, keep your membership active! 

Am I limited to a certain amount of progress each month?

Nope!  You can go as fast or as slow as you want through all of the material in the membership!  Each course/topic has steps within it, and you must complete the first step before gaining access to the second step and so forth. But you can work through those steps as quickly as you’d like!

What is the difference between purchasing a course outright, and accessing it through the membership?

The biggest difference is in access: When you purchase a program outright, you have lifetime access to it, and with the membership, you have access to the programs as long as you are paying your membership fee.

Another difference is when you purchase the program outright, you receive the entire printable/digital curriculum at the beginning, whereas with the membership, you receive one section of the curriculum at a time.

If I already purchased the programs in the membership, do I need the membership?

That depends!
The workshops are new and will be happening on a monthly basis. So that is one of the things in the membership that you don’t have yet!
If you have purchased one or two of the programs within the membership, and are ready to tackle some of the other programs inside, then yes! I absolutely think the premium membership would be perfect for you!
If you already have access to all of the programs within the membership, then I would just stick with the Workshop subscription.

How will I access this information in the future?

You will have access to all the included information in the membership as long as you are paying the monthly membership fee. Once you cancel, you will no longer be able to access any of the information within the membership.

Can I access the membership on my phone?

Yes! You can access anything within the membership on desktop, laptop, ipad, or phone!

If I know I won't be working on preparedness for a month or two, can I pause my subscription and come back later?

I totally get it! We all have months where we’ll be traveling a lot, or have other obligations that we know will occupy our time.  You cannot pause the subscription; you can cancel it and come back, but you will come back in at the regular price at that time. You will not get your original pricing back. It’s usually worth it to stay in the membership, to keep the cheaper monthly price. (You’ll also be able to watch the replays of the workshops that happen in the months you aren’t doing much else with the membership, which are worth more than the monthly fee alone!)

If I'm not married/don't have kids, is this for me?

YES, YES, YES!  This is absolutely for EVERYONE!  Although there are specific sections for children, significant others, etc., the majority of these courses/topics are just as valuable for individuals.

Can I complete the topics out of order?

Yes! That’s what makes the membership so great! You can choose exactly what you want to work on RIGHT NOW. 

There are steps within each topic, several of which do need to be completed in order. Where order doesn’t matter, you’ll be able to skip around at will. 😜

Can I share my membership information with friends and family?

No. Memberships are for individual households only. I have provided this at a very affordable price, so that anyone who is interested in working on their preparedness can access what they need. I appreciate your integrity in not sharing login information with anyone outside of your home. (It would also be a mess to try to share your membership with someone, because of the personalized nature of the membership experience. Each course tracks your individual progress, tells you where you left off, and has interactive checklists, notes, etc.)

What if I have another question?

If you have another question that hasn’t been answered yet, please ask! Send an email to and I’ll get back to ya ASAP!


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