This printable daily reading schedule for the entire 2025 year of Come, Follow Me is perfect for anyone wanting to read the Doctrine & Covenants AND the Book of Mormon throughout the year. With 2 months per page, you can cut them down the middle and slip the whole set in your scriptures!

If you are wanting to keep up with the 2025 Come, Follow Me D&C reading, without sacrificing reading daily from the Book of Mormon, this daily reading schedule is for you!
The Importance of Reading Daily from the Book of Mormon
While I am eager to study the Doctrine and Covenants this upcoming year, I always struggle when the focus for the year is on a book of scripture other than the Book of Mormon. I have a hard time reading one book of scripture, let alone two different ones. But I have a firm testimony in reading from the Book of Mormon every day.
President Ezra Taft Benson asked members of the church to study the Book of Mormon daily: “The Book of Mormon is studied in our Sunday School and seminary classes every fourth year. This four-year pattern, however, must not be followed by Church members in their personal and family study. We need to read daily from the pages of the [Book of Mormon]” (“Flooding the Earth with the Book of Mormon,” Ensign, Nov. 1988, 4).
More recently, in the April 2017 General Conference, President Monson said, “If you are not reading the Book of Mormon each day, please do so.”
Both President Hinckley and President Nelson have issued challenges in an October conference, to finish the Book of Mormon by the end of that year, giving us just 3 short months to read this entire book of scripture.
There is power in the Book of Mormon, and while there is much to be learned and gained from reading the New Testament, I don’t want to trade reading the Book of Mormon for the New Testament this coming year.

If you are wanting to keep up with the 2025 Come, Follow Me Doctrine & Covenants reading, without sacrificing reading daily from the Book of Mormon, this daily reading schedule covers BOTH!

- The Book of Mormon reading is spaced out fairly evenly throughout the course of the year.
- The Doctrine & Covenants reading lines up with the Come, Follow Me weekly lessons.
- This printable reading schedule is cute, functional, colorful, and it is available to print any time.
- 2 months will print out per page, for a total of 6 pages. Just cut them right down the middle, and you have a perfect half-sheet of paper for each month to slip into your scriptures.

My favorite way to read the Book of Mormon
**The following are affiliate links, which means if you click on a link and make a purchase, I may make a small commission at no extra cost to you.
If you are looking for a new way to study the Book of Mormon this time around, I would highly recommend this set. It is broken up into 3 books, so it isn’t one gigantic book that’s so thick it’s a pain to read from.
- The ENTIRE text is included IN this book. You don’t have to read a chapter of the Book of Mormon and then read the coinciding chapter in your study book. It is ALL WRITTEN TOGETHER, in one fluid book. So it’s basically the entire Book of Mormon, with this guy’s sidenotes and explanations written RIGHT where it should be. So if he has something to say about verse 7, he interjects his thought or note in between verse 6 and 7. It is SO AWESOME.
- I have read 1 Nephi about a million times. I feel like I learned more, had more insights, and was more excited about the content that was so incredibly familiar, after reading it in this reading guide ONE time, than I have in all 35 years of previous study combined.
- It is EASY to read. Like, for dumb people. Like me. I am not a gospel scholar. So I love that I don’t FEEL like this is written by a gospel scholar. He doesn’t write as if you already know all the normal stuff, and he is here to educate you on the obscure. He is here to help you understand the normal. I love that.
- Did I mention you don’t have to switch between the Book of Mormon and this book? It’s ALL IN ONE. That’s my favorite.
Volume 1 (1 Nephi – Words of Mormon) (affiliate link)
Volume 2 (Mosiah – Alma) (affiliate link)
Volume 3 (Helaman – Moroni) (affiliate link)
And don’t forget…

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