How and Where to Organize Your Long Term Food Storage
Simple tips to help you organize your long term food storage. Plus easy ways to keep track of how much you own and when it all expires.
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A couple weeks ago, I shared some of my best tips for organizing and storing your long term food storage. I hope that gave you to nudge to just.get.started.
But, now I’m sure you’re wondering “Okay, Mel, that’s great. Now I have this food, but how do I keep track of it all? And how do I know when it expires so I didn’t just waste money?”
Fear not! Today I’m sharing some of my best tips for how to track your long-term food storage.
Plus, how to get access to the spreadsheet I personally use to make sure I don’t miss expiration dates, how I know exactly what I have in my long-term food storage supply, and where to find it in my house.
When it comes to keeping track of my long-term food storage, there are 2 parts.
It’s really important to be able to look at something and know what food you have (and when it expires), so you know where you should focus your money/efforts next.
It’s also really important to know where the food is. This may sound silly. But unless you have a storage room where you can put all of your food storage in one place, it can get messy real quick!
You won’t be shocked … but yes, I have a spreadsheet. It’s not very fancy, but it makes me so happy.
Let me take you through the screenshot shown above.
This may seem a little ridiculous to you, and if it’s overkill, that’s totally fine – you do you. I just found myself wasting a lot of time pulling boxes out from underneath my bed, to find what I was looking for.
By creating a simple diagram of the area under the beds in our home, I am able to find things much quicker.
Aaaand…that’s it!
There’s really nothing too fancy about it.
The important thing is, that you have a system that works for you. Just make sure you know WHAT you have, and WHERE to find it!
Simple tips to help you organize your long term food storage. Plus easy ways to keep track of how much you own and when it all expires.
Answers to some of your most asked questions about long-term food storage, including the difference between dehydrated and freeze dried food.
While every family’s food storage needs are a little different, every family needs food storage. These 12 items are my top favorites – most of them I even use on a regular basis when I’m out of the grocery store version.