Simplify Your Family's Emergency Preparedness

How to Choose the Right Face Mask for any emergency

surgical mask, N95, cone mask with head strap on a table.

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Remember the year 2020? And the big face mask debate? 


Don’t worry, that’s not what this post is about. Instead, the following list will help you understand the different types of face masks and what they’re good for. And next time you find yourself in a medical or environmental emergency, you will have a better idea of how to choose the right face mask for your situation.

When you should be wearing a face mask

When it comes to emergency preparedness, there are a few different types of masks that would be helpful to store with your emergency supplies or in your 72-hour kits. Here are a few types of situations where you might need a face mask:


  • Virus protection
  • Chemical Spills
  • Natural disaster clean-up
  • Protection from smoke or dust
  • Poor air quality, including seasonal allergens and smog
  • Immunocompromised individuals

People who may not be able to wear a mask

The majority of the population is going to be capable and should wear a face covering in the above situations. But, there are some exceptions:


  • Children under the age of 2
  • Anyone who cannot take off or put on a mask without help
  • People who have trouble breathing
  • Individuals with a disability that makes them sensitive to having something on their face 

Wearing a mask properly

Depending on the situation, proper wear is going to be a big deal. Virus protection, for example, it’s important to cover your nose and mouth. Here are a few things to take note of to ensure you are wearing your mask properly:


  1. Masks with a nose wire should be adjusted to fit snuggly against your nose.
  2. Make sure you wash your hands before putting your mask on.
  3. Check for any damage to the mask and get a new one if you notice any holes or parts that are broken.
  4. While not necessary, in some cases it could be a good idea to double up with the protection. One example would be to wear a cloth mask over a disposable mask.

3 Main Categories of face masks

When it comes to helping you choose the right face mask for your situation, just know that there are three main types of masks. And then within those 3 categories, there are several different options to choose from. Each style of face mask offers a different type of safety.

N95 masks are a good choice to prevent illness and breathing in environmental hazards.

#1 - Respirator Masks

Respirators are meant to fit snug to your face and provide protection by filtering particles from the air you’re breathing. It can also filter in the reverse direction, filtering out particles when you cough, sneeze or exhale. There isn’t really a time limit on how long you can wear a respirator mask; they should be worn for the duration of hazardous exposure.



The most well-known respirator mask is the N95. These types of masks are certified by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) to be air-purifying respirators (APR).

An N95 fits over the nose and mouth and can offer up to 95% filtration of air particles when worn properly. This style should be disposed of when it becomes dirty, damaged or difficult to breathe through.


Elastomeric half mask respirator (EHMR)

This type of mask is similar to the N95 in that it covers the nose and mouth, but it is reusable.


Elastomeric full facepiece respirator

This type of mask is a full facepiece. It covers the nose, mouth and eyes and are designed to be reusable.


Full-length Face Shield

While typically used in a clinical space, these can be a good option for self-protection. They are made of a clear polycarbonate shield that covers the entire face with a headband at the top to secure it. Great for tw0-way protection from air particles, especially when paired with a surgical mask under it.


Plan for Awesome Tip: 

Stash an N95 mask in a 72-hour kit for every family member!

To see what else you should be adding to your family’s emergency kits, this would be a great place to start.

blue surgical masks help prevent the spread of illness.

#2 - Surgical Masks

Also known as a medical procedure face mask, these are mainly used to reduce the transmission of airborne pathogens or aerosol particles. They work by trapping larger air particles in the fabric, but they will not filter smaller droplets.


Surgical masks don’t completely protect from germs or contaminants because it’s hard to get a good, snug fit. When choosing to wear a surgical mask, it’s important to adust the wire nosepiece so the mask fits to your face.


These would be a good option to add a layer of protection again viral pollutants or nuisance dust (ex pollen, cleaning, smoking).

cloth face masks offer the least amount of protection. double up.

#3 - Cloth Masks

This category includes options like:

  • Cotton fabric with ear loops or head loop (people made these by the hundreds during our most recent pandemic)
  • Bandana
  • T-shirt
  • Neck gaiter

Cloth masks are the lowest on the protection scale and some people argue they are pointless. Where ever you fall on that debate, there are still some important factors to consider.


Additional Resources

While this list offers general information to help you choose the right face mask, here are a few additional resources if you want to dive deeper:


While no mask is going to offer 100% protection, knowing how to choose the right face mask for your situation is a good place to start. Whether you suffer from seasonal allergies, are being a good citizen helping with post-hurricane cleanup, or want to keep yourself from spreading germs to others – masks are a great addition to your emergency preparedness plan.

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