Preparedness essentials that are HSA approved items
Looking for emergency preparedness items that are also HSA approved items is such a great way to use those funds. Take a look at what items are HSA eligible.
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You’ve done the research, you’re excited to get started with (or add to) your emergency supply. You even have a plan for how you’re going to accomplish growing your food storage, making 72-hour kits and building an emergency binder.
But, your spouse? Not so much.
If you’re living with someone who doesn’t care to prioritize preparedness, you’re not alone. Today I’m sharing some of my best tips for how to make compromises and help them be more supportive of your efforts to make sure your family is prepared for emergencies.
You know that contention gets you nowhere – this is true for any aspect of marriage. Maybe your spouse isn’t a ‘big picture’ type, or maybe they’re wanting to go full blown Dave Ramsey with your financial plan.
Regardless of the reason, meeting in the middle is a good way to make both of you happy.
Is there something your spouse is really really wanting? Try suggesting a preparedness item that you want that is of equal-ish value. If it fits the budget, you each get to buy the item you want.
He’s happy. She’s happy.
No one walks away feeling slighted.
There will be times throughout the year when you find yourself with a little extra spending money. Think about it:
These are great ways to make occasional preparedness purchases. Typically this money hasn’t already been flagged for bills or other budget items, which leaves you with a little more negotiating capability.
Have you ever received money for birthdays or Christmas or anniversaries?
Not only can you spend that money on preparedness, but I have often requested preparedness items as gifts. I have a friend who asked her mother-in-law for backpacks for every member of her family, so she could start putting together 72-hour kits.
I get that practical gifts aren’t necessarily fun for everyone, but if you are serious about prioritizing preparedness, you could easily start growing your supplies this way.
Sometimes you just need to come at it from a different angle, especially with a financially savvy spouse.
Think about it; considering inflation, some purchases can be considered investments.
For example, food costs more today than it did a year ago. So by having short-term food storage, you’re eating food today at last year’s prices. #winning
Or maybe you’re a Brita filter family? Those replacement filters can get really pricey. So yes, getting a Berkey might cost more upfront, but the maintenance cost is less when all is said and done. And you’re still drinking filtered water, without the hassle of filling a pitcher every 2 hours all day long. The best part? Your Berkey can make unsafe drinking water safe, whether you find yourself under a boil water advisory at home or somewhere like an evacuation shelter. A Berkey is so much more versatile than something like a Brita.
Sometimes you just need to get a little hypothetical. For example, you could pose the following questions to your significant other:
These types of conversations will almost always yield to some common ground. They also give you an opportunity to help your spouse see where your family could use some extra guidance on dealing with emergency situations.
And if that doesn’t work, you could always watch an apocalyptic movie together. 😜
You’re married for a reason. There is typically mutual respect and love in a marriage.
I’d encourage you to sit your spouse down (maybe even plan a date night) and have a heart to heart with them. Let them know how important it is to you to prioritize preparedness.
Make a list of priorities and start with the one that your spouse is the most on board with. Or maybe start with the things that are no/low cost. You do not need to have your long-term food storage completely stocked next month. Maybe you can simply purchase food for each family member’s 72-hour kit or download emergency apps onto everyone’s devices and learn how to use them.
Remember, when it comes to making preparedness a priority, you really can’t do it wrong. The only way to do it wrong is to not do anything at all. Start small and continue to have conversations about emergency preparedness. You got this!
Looking for emergency preparedness items that are also HSA approved items is such a great way to use those funds. Take a look at what items are HSA eligible.
There will always be things we don’t think about before we encounter an emergency. But, I’m here to help you think about some of the non-food storage items you might want to keep on hand for the next rainy day.
Why you should schedule an emergency preparedness weekend every 6 months, and what you should be doing, reviewing, rotating, and maintaining. Free printable checklist!