Simplify Your Family's Emergency Preparedness

How to Stay Warm When the Power Goes Out

houses in the middle of a winter storm.

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Global warming is real, friend. And your mind isn’t playing tricks on you – Winter really is getting shorter and is warmer than it has been in decades past. So maybe it seems a bit counter-intuitive, but that actually means heavier snowfalls are more likely. A warmer atmosphere holds more moisture and more moisture in cold air equals snow and ice. And in most places, snow and ice can mean power outages. Ick.



I can’t think of a more uncomfortable combo than being cold and having no power. Can you? Keep reading and you’ll learn some important tips to help you and your family stay warm when the power goes out.

How to Prepare for Winter Emergencies Ahead of Time

There are so many things you can do ahead of time when it comes to winter weather preparedness. Most of these things are pretty simple and quick to take care of, so maybe put it on your calendar every October and just get it done.

But before we get into the list of things to tackle ahead of time, here are three tips and resources that can help:


  1. Keep a Winter Car emergency kit in the trunk of each car. Use the information in this car emergency kit post to help you fill in the gaps.
  2. Make sure you have a 72-hour kit for every family member (including your pets). Check out the Personalized Preparedness membership or my 72-hour kit course to help you get started.
  3. Always try to have a month’s supply of food in your home at all times. If you need help with understanding how to grow your food storage, check out this post to get started with the basics.
woman adding weather stripping to door frame.
woman adding weather stripping to door frame.

Generator Safety

Generators are awesome and such a great emergency preparedness item to have on hand. Totally worth saving up for or grabbing one during a sale, if you can. But the preparations don’t stop there! Here are some key things to keep in mind once you do own a generator:


  • Take it out of the box and actually read the manufacturer’s instructions! Boring, I know, but you need to know how to use it before you actually need to.  Follow the instructions to the T.
  • Make sure you have fuel and oil on hand to run it.
  • Always run your generator outside and keep it at least 20 feet away from windows/doors/attached garages.
  • Make sure you have working carbon monoxide detectors in your home.
  • Keep the generator dry.
  • Only connect appliances to it with heavy-duty extension cords.
  • Let the generator cool down before refueling. If fuel accidently drips on a hot generator, it could ignite.

Tips to help you stay warm when the power goes out

What to do when the power comes back on

When things are getting back to normal, you’re not quite finished. You’ll want to take care of a few more things:

Here’s the thing: preparing for emergencies is an ongoing process. No one is completely finished with it and even if they were, there will always be updates to make and things to replace (when you’ve had to dig into your supplies). What one thing above can you add to your to-do list this week? Get it done. You’ll be one step in the right direction and that will feel good!

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